How We’re Making a Difference
At SACE, we're focused on the impact we're making on the lives of people who have experienced sexual violence, and on contributing to healthier communities. This section of our 2023-2024 Annual Impact Report features highlights of how we're making a difference, from professional, evidence-informed education and support to community development and engagement initiatives.
Professional, Evidence-Informed Services
Across Public Education programs:
Across Counselling programs:

Program Data & Evaluation
In early 2024, our Community Engagement department began using a new, customizable online scheduling, relationship, and data management platform called CiviCRM. Moving forward, this platform will store all our evaluation and activities data. Having more and better data will help us to more accurately capture the important tasks that go into delivering effective, tailored, professional sexual assault services; activities like content development, presentation preparation, consultation provision, outcomes evaluation, community development, committee work, and more.
Accompanying this change were a number of updates we made to our evaluation processes to ensure they more closely align with our program logic models and intended outcomes while streamlining and aligning measures across the agency. Our Clinical department is working on moving to this system in the near future.
Tailored solutions to support professionals across a range of sectors in their efforts to address sexual violence.

Engaging Men & Boys in Gender Justice
The WiseGuyz team continues their partnership and involvement with Next Gen Men, supporting the new program Pathways for Engaging Men & Boys in Gender Justice. This new community builds a bridge between academic research and leaders in communities to increase the number of men doing gender justice work where they live, work, play, and worship.
SACE has a WiseGuyz team member on this committee to represent the program, and this year one of our facilitators spoke on a panel with attendees from across Canada about WiseGuyz as a promising practice to engaging young men in gender-based violence prevention.
Improving Outcomes
Post-SecondarySupport Story
In the early fall of 2023, the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology’s (NAIT) new Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator contacted us to create and facilitate customized sessions on providing trauma-informed responses to sexual violence.
Our team consolidated feedback we received from past sessions and NAIT staff preferences when crafting each customized presentation. We facilitated four tailored sessions for diverse groups of NAIT staff, including 40 NAIT protective services staff, 25 student services staff, and 12 human resources staff.
The sessions were successful, with several participants indicating that these sessions were the first time they had encountered concepts such as intersectionality and trauma-informed responses. The Coordinator was also happy, and in early 2024, they reached out again asking our team to facilitate two more sessions for a variety of NAIT staff across many student service programs.

How You Are Making a Difference
SACE is supported by an incredible network of stakeholders and community members committed to addressing sexual violence. Without the contributions of our staff, volunteers, board members, community partners, funders, donors, and so many caring Edmontonians, we simply could not do the work that we do.
Learning how to take action
Providing support
Supporting SACE
This year, organizations and community members showed up for SACE in a big way. Major fundraisers for our 2023-2024 year included the Heavy Hockey Showdown 2024, Oilers Girls Night, and Bloom Cookie Co.’s annual Cookiegrams campaign. Twenty-six fundraisers raised money for SACE on Facebook and Instagram, and many people donated recyclables through SkipTheDepot and gave to the SACE Library, in addition to supporting our agency’s capital campaign, Moving to the Centre.

Volunteer Awards
In January 2024, SACE recognized some of our brilliant volunteers at our annual volunteer awards night.
We were also incredibly proud of SACE volunteer Tracy P. for winning an Alberta Blue Cross Community Wellbeing grant. Tracy was one of 75 people selected for this well-deserved award that recognizes volunteers making a difference and the charitable organizations with which they volunteer.
- Elizabeth R. was presented with the Rick Chalifoux / Jean Gauthier Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award, in honour of two SACE volunteers who worked on the crisis lines and fundraising.
- Mak M. won the Sprout Award, presented to the volunteer with the most growth and development in their first year of volunteering.
- Tessa H., Theresa M., Carolise B., Lauren T., Meagan S., Rowena D., David S., and Bel B. were recipients of Roots Awards, presented to any volunteer who reaches five or more years of active service with SACE.