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Let’s move forward

I’ve been sexually assaulted recently.

We want you to know that what happened to you is not your fault, and you are not alone.

If you feel you are in danger and need immediate help, please call 911.

I’ve been sexually assaulted in the past.

Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) support services are available to anyone impacted by sexual assault or abuse, even if it happened a long time ago.

I know someone who has been sexually assaulted.

If someone discloses to you that they have been sexually assaulted or abused, the most important thing you can do is to listen, believe them, and support them in whatever they choose to do.

Our Support Services

SACE provides the following specialized, trauma-informed services at no fee:

Two chairs angled towards each other and a small table with tissues suggest the homey feel of adult counselling services at SACE

Adult Counselling

Counselling at SACE focuses on building emotional stability and providing tools to support clients with their healing. It is never too late to begin this journey.

Two beanbag chairs angled towards each other and surrounded by small therapeutic toys suggest the friendly feel of child and youth counselling services at SACE

Child & Youth Counselling

Counselling for children and youth is tailored to the developmental level and needs of the young person, and is usually facilitated through play or creative expression.

SACE Services Police & Court Support

Police & Court Support

Going to court can be confusing, scary, and triggering. Our Police and Court Support program is designed to help individuals through the whole process, whether they are a counselling client at SACE or not.

SACE Services Public Education

Public Education

We offer tailored education sessions and online courses for groups and communities to build their capacity to prevent, address, and to supportively respond to those impacted by sexual violence.

Latest News


about a wide range of topics related to sexual violence prevention, intervention, support, trauma, and healing.

Image Of A Magenta Sexual Assault Centre Of Edmonton Button Displaying The Words "Sexual Violence: It's Not About Sex. It's About Power & Control."

What is sexual assault?

Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact without voluntary consent. As this definition of sexual assault indicates, consent must be voluntary. Consent must also be ongoing, active, and specific to each person and action involved. Consent must come from someone capable of consenting.

85% of the time people are sexually assaulted by someone that they know. Being sexually assaulted by someone that you know may feel confusing. You are not alone. What happened to you is not your fault.

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What is sexual harassment?

Just like any other form of sexual violence, sexual harassment has the potential to be traumatizing for the people who experience it.

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What is child sexual abuse?

Child sexual abuse includes inviting or exposing a child to sexual contact, activity, or behaviour. A child is typically understood to be any individual under the age of 16.

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Become a

SACE is always looking for volunteers who are passionate about upholding a culture of consent, and are excited to contribute to the work that we do.

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